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Community and Student Outreach

Community and Student Outreach


The objectives of Bridge Builders to the New Generation Community and Student outreach program to give the students and community an opportunity to get connected with each other through education. There will be opportunities for students to do community service events, such as, clean up the community, feed the homeless, mentor students, hold student workshops on campus, etc). For the community we will be holding workshops, such as (NCAA, parents advocacy through education, mental health, parents/ and student rights, Scholarship/ college application workshop, career fair)

Measurable Goals

· Students will earn community service hours for college applications
· Students will have an understanding on why we are doing community service
· Students will become leaders among their peers
· Students will learn how to set up and organize events, and workshops
· Students will learn how to address issues on campus, and learn the proper way to go about it, and building allies throughout administrators to have their voices be heard
· Parents will have workshops to help them with their student’s education

Program Features

Bridge Builders to the New Generation Community and Student outreach program is here to help the community get involved in their child’s education, and the students to get involved in their community, and help change their campus culture and climate.

Students might go through high school with no extracurricular activities, and this will hurt when it comes to applying to colleges. We are here to help students build their own community service events, as we support them through it. Students will find a problem in their community or around campus, and work on finding a solution to that problem. Students will have the ability to work with other students on campus, community leaders, and administrators to help address these problems. This is not just a community service event for hours to apply to college. This is more like a project that the student could work on for their own interest, something that is important to them. Students will have the ability to work on their LEADERSHIP skills, COMMUNICATION skills, ORGANIZATION skills, and political work for their project.

For the parents we want to hold workshops to give those resources that will help them advocate for their child’s education. Many parents have other obligations that takes their focus away from their child’s education, and are unsure on how to support them properly. We want to educate them with their child’s development at an early age. This will allow parents to communicate with teachers, staff, administrators, and their children. Parents do not know things about resources to help their children, they are uncertain on what their children needs to attend college, or programs that could help their children for a career path after high school.

Toy Drive 2021

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